
Convenient Money!

Convenient Money!

July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris' Presidential Run

“hehehehe I’m kamala momala cabala”

This is not the source to get your political news, but just in case you’ve been under Patrick’s rock, current Vice President Kamala Harris is now officially running for President of the United States after Biden’s sudden departure from the race. Since running, Kamala has raised $81M in 24 hours, which are record-setting numbers. When I saw that, I couldn’t help but think the same thought every time this happens: “Where is this money for the less fortunate?”

Money for Crisis, But Not for the Poor

Ukraine gets money, we had money for the stimulus during COVID, and every time this gets brought up, somebody wants to put their economics knowledge to use and explain inflation. I simply don’t think that is an excuse. Being able to raise that much money for one person could literally be done for some urban areas in America. It could supply monthly stipends, provide decent housing for the homeless, not just shelters that are barely hospitable. It could help provide food that isn’t canned and doomed to hell but actual quality foods. Why is it so hard for people to care about the less fortunate and those affected by unlucky economic situations?

Personal Responsibility and Wealth


When I become wealthy, I want y'all to hold me to the fire and make me remember the promises I made to help those who came from similar situations as me. I didn’t grow up the worst, but like most people born in urban communities, I experienced some setbacks. I know what instability feels and looks like. I know what it’s like not knowing where your next meal is going to come from, living check to check, being carless, taking two steps forward and one step back. I just know how it feels to have life give me its ass to kiss despite working EXTREMELY hard to subvert those circumstances.

cuz signing that stimulus package that will NOT be returning lol.

The Need for Opportunity and Assistance

After all that hard work and strapping up them damn bootstraps, people simply need opportunity and assistance, a financial head start similar to what children of the wealthy are provided with. I also wonder, when stories like these surface, do the people donating ever think, “Man, we gave our money pretty easily to this. Maybe we can actually help a community out.”

Challenges of Implementing Change

Then, when people actually commit to making actual change, the people they are helping get engulfed with jealousy, which is triggered by perpetual lack. They don’t even know how to handle someone from a similar background acting as a benevolent figure. In other words, people are haters, and it's messed up out here.

Deserving a Decent Life

Nonetheless, everyone on Earth still deserves to live a decent, humane life. Not everyone has to be in Range Rovers or wear vintage Chanel that CoCo never even had; people just deserve to experience some of the wealth that many of the elites hoard. Sure, you worked hard for your money; it’s your choice to do whatever you want with it. However, at certain moments, the government and institutions alike should let morality kick in and do what it takes to save people from desolate poverty, no matter the cost.


Follow on twitter @onlyonejaevonn




The middle, throughout history have always been an awkward position. No matter the area of life people just don’t accept the idea of middle well.

If you’re responding in an exam you can’t play the middle, its either commit to one answer or the other.

The middle child in the family often feels neglected due to split attention between the youngest and the oldest child. 

Even in the music industry the “middle” is considered trash. 

Lyor Cohen, one of the world’s top music executives said that the worst thing a song could be Is “ok”. Either it should absolutely horrendous or it should be the best freaking song you ever heard.

It pays way more to be polarizing whether that falls on the good or bad side of things, I can guarantee landing in the middle gets you nowhere.

Take a look at the world’s current situation. Deep in the midst of a pandemic, lives are being tossed to and fro in the winds of uncertainty.

I believe it was comedian Andrew Schulz who brought up this point, but being”right above poor” is the absolute worst for this pandemic right now.

If you’re poor the Government have put in procedures for you. You qualify for a stimulus check, even before the pandemic you’re given access to government assistance. Assistance that assures you can at least get Section 8 housing and food assistance.

But what about those who barely floats above the line for needing Government assistance but aren’t even making 6 figures ( or anything close to it).

The practically non-existent middle class don’t have high time supply the poor have ,nor does it have the bountiful cash amounts the wealthy have.

All of their time is used for money, never seeing a break in sight (until now at least.)

Hell, think about people favorite thing to say about a person. That’s right you guessed it “I can’t stand somebody playing both sides…pick a side and stay there.”

No one likes the middle, people like certainty and constantly need assurances.

They need to know where the situation stands at all times. 

Like the prolific West Coast Rapper once said

Jay Rock - WIn .

Jay Rock - WIn .

 “You Either With Me or Against Me, Ho’!”


Follow on Twitter @onlyonejaevonn



sasuke return to konoha.jpg

I recently came across an old Naruto panel, that featured Sasuke returning to his home village (Konoha).

His goal during that point in the story was to destroy Konoha, for using his brother as a scapegoat for a foul plan that involved the massacre of his entire clan.

Sasuke speaking with the previous 4 Hokages.

Sasuke speaking with the previous 4 Hokages.

Not being totally evil and still needing to be convinced, Sasuke has Orochimaru resurrect the previous hokages(that’s the show’s version of presidents)  to determine if he should destroy the village or not.

Each told their story about how they felt they went wrong and how their decisions led to today’s mess.

That story always made me think man it would be easier to make decisions if you could talk to those that already died and learned where they went wrong first hand.

[yes I know some people can think they can talk to the dead but they’re not talking to the dead they’re talking to “familiar spirits” but that’s discussion for another day].

If we could hear first hand from people like 

MLK or Malcolm X and ask them where they think their fatal mistake was or what would they have done differently,


It would help plenty people from making irrational, rash, and foolish decisions.

Much like how Sasuke talk with the Hokages deterred him from wanting to destroy his home village.

If it wasn’t for that conversation, Sasuke would have to do like us in the real world and simply observe people’s lives and study their every move to determine where things went astray.

They say a wise person learn from the mistakes of others but without a direct conversation we’re limited to what we can learn about them.

Which is why God probably made it so we couldn’t communicate with the dead. I believe our journey would be overly simplified and it would take away one of the key points of living, which is growth.

Now I must continue to observe those who have fallen every move to avoid their pitfalls but can’t act like  I don’t still yearn for an intimate conversation with them everyday so I can avoid rash, irrational decisions like Sasuke. (Never as extreme as Sasuke but you know the vibes).

Follow me on Twitter @onlyonejaevonn
