
Convenient Money!

Convenient Money!

July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris' Presidential Run

“hehehehe I’m kamala momala cabala”

This is not the source to get your political news, but just in case you’ve been under Patrick’s rock, current Vice President Kamala Harris is now officially running for President of the United States after Biden’s sudden departure from the race. Since running, Kamala has raised $81M in 24 hours, which are record-setting numbers. When I saw that, I couldn’t help but think the same thought every time this happens: “Where is this money for the less fortunate?”

Money for Crisis, But Not for the Poor

Ukraine gets money, we had money for the stimulus during COVID, and every time this gets brought up, somebody wants to put their economics knowledge to use and explain inflation. I simply don’t think that is an excuse. Being able to raise that much money for one person could literally be done for some urban areas in America. It could supply monthly stipends, provide decent housing for the homeless, not just shelters that are barely hospitable. It could help provide food that isn’t canned and doomed to hell but actual quality foods. Why is it so hard for people to care about the less fortunate and those affected by unlucky economic situations?

Personal Responsibility and Wealth


When I become wealthy, I want y'all to hold me to the fire and make me remember the promises I made to help those who came from similar situations as me. I didn’t grow up the worst, but like most people born in urban communities, I experienced some setbacks. I know what instability feels and looks like. I know what it’s like not knowing where your next meal is going to come from, living check to check, being carless, taking two steps forward and one step back. I just know how it feels to have life give me its ass to kiss despite working EXTREMELY hard to subvert those circumstances.

cuz signing that stimulus package that will NOT be returning lol.

The Need for Opportunity and Assistance

After all that hard work and strapping up them damn bootstraps, people simply need opportunity and assistance, a financial head start similar to what children of the wealthy are provided with. I also wonder, when stories like these surface, do the people donating ever think, “Man, we gave our money pretty easily to this. Maybe we can actually help a community out.”

Challenges of Implementing Change

Then, when people actually commit to making actual change, the people they are helping get engulfed with jealousy, which is triggered by perpetual lack. They don’t even know how to handle someone from a similar background acting as a benevolent figure. In other words, people are haters, and it's messed up out here.

Deserving a Decent Life

Nonetheless, everyone on Earth still deserves to live a decent, humane life. Not everyone has to be in Range Rovers or wear vintage Chanel that CoCo never even had; people just deserve to experience some of the wealth that many of the elites hoard. Sure, you worked hard for your money; it’s your choice to do whatever you want with it. However, at certain moments, the government and institutions alike should let morality kick in and do what it takes to save people from desolate poverty, no matter the cost.


Follow on twitter @onlyonejaevonn




Me at my art show, two weeks ago. I put a lot of money into, knowing it would be worth it for the monetary  gain and exposure. Well worth the cost of entry.

Me at my art show, two weeks ago. I put a lot of money into, knowing it would be worth it for the monetary gain and exposure. Well worth the cost of entry.

I always wondered why supplies (i.e. art, music,) are so expensive. It doesn’t matter what field you are in the supplies are always more than what you would like to pay.

I think it clicked it to me after my art show and being in the final term of law school. 

When the supplies are used the right way, there is no cap on return of investment. I could spend thousands on art supplies: getting paper, markers, pencils etc. and make it all back with one sale. (Maybe a few more depending on expenses).

Since supplies are expensive, it’s disrespectful when people try to constantly low ball artists. It costs to produce fire please don’t think $20 should be the most you should pay for anything.

Also, I have this thought when it comes to law school. Although people complained for years about the prices of schooling and whether or not you need it, I think law school may be expensive for a different reason.

The impact and return on investment from law school can extremely outweigh the cost of education if your JD, that’s your Juris Doctor degree, is used correctly.

Possibly the most famous lawyer in existence.

Possibly the most famous lawyer in existence.

Barack Obama, you know who he is lol.

Barack Obama, you know who he is lol.

Bryan Stevenson, Lawyer who fights for the poor and disenfranchised

Bryan Stevenson, Lawyer who fights for the poor and disenfranchised

Look at people like Bryan Stevenson, Barack Obama, Johnnie Cochran, and many other countless examples, whose impact greatly exceeds the cost of law school.

What is hundreds of thousands in costs and possible debt compared to the chance to literally save people lives, guide the free world, or take arguably the most notorious case in history.

These opportunities are almost priceless.

When you can acknowledge and accept everything has a barrier of entry, you can respect the fact that these prices are set for a reason.

When you spend that $1,000 on a keyboard, or those few hundreds on computer software, you won’t let that money go to waste, especially if its your own hard earned money!

No sir! You’re going to put your best foot forward making sure every penny spent will earn you back something even if its only spiritual gain and not a monetary increase.

 Follow Me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn
