The Symbol of Peace

July 26, 2024

I've been binge-watching My Hero Academia on Netflix. With news that the manga is in its final arc, I thought this would be a good time to jump in and see what I've been missing all these years. Man, I thank God I did—I love this show! From the first episode, I felt young Midoriya's passion. The episode was filled with so many emotional triggers, reminiscent of early Naruto. Then I was introduced to the inspiration for this article, All Might! I instantly liked All Might because he's one of those characters, like Gojo, who is recognized and heralded as "the symbol of peace."

Image via New York Times

I was watching the episode where All Might first faced off against All for One, the series’ main antagonist at that point, and he was on his last ounce of strength. The remaining embers of his fire were blazing as he looked out to take down the foe whose existence posed a threat to all of Japan! The way people showed admiration for him even in his most vulnerable moment sparked a fire inside me.

I might have been taking this show too literally, but at that moment, I, too, adopted the moniker of "the symbol of peace," which is even more fitting for me because I’m a lawyer. I remember several years ago when word first got out that I was pursuing a career in law, my church members would say, "Here’s our civil attorney right here." My mother and I would always laugh because we both thought, "Man, we’re on the money; I ain’t trying to be that." But if you know me, or can even tell from my articles, the plight of the small folk touches my heartstrings in a different way.

In a prestigious profession like mine, I’ve seen people stricken with ego and lose touch with others. I never wanted to be like that. My first lawyer job was working as a staff attorney handling evictions. Saving people from losing their homes at all costs was life-changing. I had a special connection because, a year prior, I was in most of those people’s shoes—a broke guy trying to cross that bar at all costs!

When people put their literal lives in your hands, you’re given a different level of responsibility. Knowing they don’t have the knowledge or tools to fight for themselves, yet they entrust you to fight their battles—it's something I could never take for granted.

One of my main driving factors in blazing this path to wealth is to help people, and not just in talking points—literal helping. I will create housing programs that will help students so they won’t have to worry about such things while in school. I will buy city blocks that will have transitional houses, where people can live for a year while receiving a monthly stipend. The goal is to get them financially literate and give them a jumpstart, to move out on their own and continue stability for their families. I will have galleries where up-and-coming artists can have showcases like million-dollar artists.

I will continue to be the hope for the hopeless and the voice for the voiceless. The light that shines for those in the dark. The current that powers the circuit of hope. The bridge from failure to success and the ladder from disbelief to faith. I am now and always forever, the symbol of peace!


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Convenient Money!

Convenient Money!

July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris' Presidential Run

“hehehehe I’m kamala momala cabala”

This is not the source to get your political news, but just in case you’ve been under Patrick’s rock, current Vice President Kamala Harris is now officially running for President of the United States after Biden’s sudden departure from the race. Since running, Kamala has raised $81M in 24 hours, which are record-setting numbers. When I saw that, I couldn’t help but think the same thought every time this happens: “Where is this money for the less fortunate?”

Money for Crisis, But Not for the Poor

Ukraine gets money, we had money for the stimulus during COVID, and every time this gets brought up, somebody wants to put their economics knowledge to use and explain inflation. I simply don’t think that is an excuse. Being able to raise that much money for one person could literally be done for some urban areas in America. It could supply monthly stipends, provide decent housing for the homeless, not just shelters that are barely hospitable. It could help provide food that isn’t canned and doomed to hell but actual quality foods. Why is it so hard for people to care about the less fortunate and those affected by unlucky economic situations?

Personal Responsibility and Wealth


When I become wealthy, I want y'all to hold me to the fire and make me remember the promises I made to help those who came from similar situations as me. I didn’t grow up the worst, but like most people born in urban communities, I experienced some setbacks. I know what instability feels and looks like. I know what it’s like not knowing where your next meal is going to come from, living check to check, being carless, taking two steps forward and one step back. I just know how it feels to have life give me its ass to kiss despite working EXTREMELY hard to subvert those circumstances.

cuz signing that stimulus package that will NOT be returning lol.

The Need for Opportunity and Assistance

After all that hard work and strapping up them damn bootstraps, people simply need opportunity and assistance, a financial head start similar to what children of the wealthy are provided with. I also wonder, when stories like these surface, do the people donating ever think, “Man, we gave our money pretty easily to this. Maybe we can actually help a community out.”

Challenges of Implementing Change

Then, when people actually commit to making actual change, the people they are helping get engulfed with jealousy, which is triggered by perpetual lack. They don’t even know how to handle someone from a similar background acting as a benevolent figure. In other words, people are haters, and it's messed up out here.

Deserving a Decent Life

Nonetheless, everyone on Earth still deserves to live a decent, humane life. Not everyone has to be in Range Rovers or wear vintage Chanel that CoCo never even had; people just deserve to experience some of the wealth that many of the elites hoard. Sure, you worked hard for your money; it’s your choice to do whatever you want with it. However, at certain moments, the government and institutions alike should let morality kick in and do what it takes to save people from desolate poverty, no matter the cost.


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Can't Give in To Every Craving!

Can't Give in to Every Craving!

July 25, 2024

Buckle in, because today’s lesson is a wild one. At 5 AM this morning, I found myself in a predicament that hasn't happened since college, with one memorable incident back in high school.

There I was, on the toilet, my stomach in knots, feeling like Sukuna and Maki were battling it out inside me. To make matters worse, the toilet was already on the fritz. Maintenance hadn't arrived yet, so I had to apologize in advance for the horror they'd soon witness.

As I showered, I knew I had to share this lesson: you can't give in to every craving. Last night, I was up late, working on two new songs for my upcoming album, My Deepest Discovery. I might release one next week. I was also watching JaeRiddle break down the new JJK leaks.

Of course, all that made me hungry for a snack. It was past midnight, I had already worked out, and eaten chicken and broccoli. But those Hawaiian Sweet Roll Bagels from Kroger's were calling my name. It wasn't the bagel that got me—it was the cream cheese.

Every time I have one of these violent bowel attacks, it's always from eating cheese late at night. I always end up thinking, “Was that pizza really worth it?” And it never is.

So, I got a brutal reminder that I can't give in to my cravings so easily. This lesson applies to everything. When something is calling your name, and you know better, resist. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble, wondering why you played yourself.

Don’t be like me. Learn some self-control, especially late at night, or you might wake up on life's toilet with a stomach in turmoil.


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No More Big 3! What's Cole's Next Move?!?!

No More Big 3! What's Cole's Next Move?!?!

July 11, 2024

If you haven’t read my previous article, scroll down on the freshthoughts2020 tab and check it out. In that article, we discussed whether Kendrick’s feud with Drake might be pointless if he doesn’t aim for the commercial number one spot. With a clear task ahead for Kendrick (whether he follows it or not), we’re left to ask: What is Cole’s next move?

I.Cole's Strong Start in 2024

Cole came into 2024 in a great position in the power rankings and was a strong front-runner to take the lead. He outperformed Drake on “First Person Shooter,” went bar to bar with him again on “Evil Ways” from the “Scary Hours Edition of For All The Dogs,” and just completed a successful national tour.

II.The Apology and Its Aftermath


Cole was set to answer the call when he released his “Might Delete Later” EP. However, moments later, his infamous apology came, leading many people to write him off and not wanting to hear from him for a while. Then he reappeared on the bubbling New York sensation Cash Cobain’s track “Grippy,” which has been regarded as one of Cole’s worst verses. The verse wasn’t even bad, but if it wasn’t mind-blowing post-apology, any verse he penned was going to get panned anyway.

III.The Dismantling of the Big 3

The idea of the Big 3 has been dismantled. The world waits on a new K-dot album, ready to crown him as number one, while the Drizzy hive stands patient awaiting Drake’s inevitable return. Again, what is Cole to do?

IV.The Two-Part Plan for Cole's Comeback

I believe Cole has to do two things to ensure a great comeback and even get his name back into that front-runner conversation. We know he’s been hyping up his album The Fall Off, which is in a worse position post-beef. Here’s what he should do to make sure his album isn’t swept under the rug when it drops.

First, Cole has to address Symba. Why Symba? People may have forgotten about that freestyle he did on the “Control” beat, but it needs to be addressed. He sympathized with letting Nas down but went on to say he left Bas and Cozz down, the whole squad down. He slammed him for the apologies. Cole has to address how he didn’t have to clout beef with Kendrick, and most importantly, he has to spank Symba for even thinking he can say that. There are a few angles he can go with, but I probably shouldn’t reveal that. If Cole is capable like I know he is, he should know the angles too. There are plenty of lyricists who will probably make fun of that apology moving forward with general bars, but he needs to make Symba the poster child of what happens when you disrespect Cole.

He needs to do this because Symba has enough lyrical respect from peers and elder statesmen of hip-hop that he’s worth addressing, and because Symba doesn’t threaten Cole in popularity. It’s like Pusha T with Drake. Symba can scorch Cole until he’s blue in the face, but modern rap is a popularity contest, and Cole would never lose that. However, for this to be effective, Cole would have to scorch Symba as if he’s going up against JAY-Z himself—no mercy! If Cole does this, half of the two-part plan to dominance will be secured by everyone taking mental notes: “Maybe we shouldn’t mess with this guy; that apology stuff doesn’t really mean anything.”

The second thing Cole must do is very simple: hits on hits! He has to get into his Forest Hills bag. That’s far from my favorite project from him, but it’s his most commercially successful album, and his sound isn’t compromised! He should re-listen to that album hard while creating The Fall Off and study the singles from Vol. 2... Hard Knock Life. He needs smashes—songs for the radio!

With these two things working in unison, we’ll quickly forget the same people saying they “...never want to hear him again,” “he’s soft,” blah blah, will be the same people saying “oh Cole’s the G.O.A.T., Cole’s the G.O.A.T.”

These are only suggestions, and he can take these suggestions and stuff them up Rubi Rose’s ass for all he cares. But if he still cares and wants to get back in that conversation, he’s got to do something along these lines. It’s not even much, but it’ll be more than enough. Trust!


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June 23, 2024

This was an article I was thinking about doing for a little minute but I’m glad I didn’t get around to it until after the “pop out” show.

Let me start by stating the obvious, the show was amazing from start to finish, it was basically everything you wanted out the show.

I didn’t have many critiques but if I had to have one it would be maybe keeping the aggression a little bit in the show after opening with Euphoria. I called it before it started that he would open with Euphoria because I knew he would want to set the tone.

Then going into DNA and ELEMENT made sense if you apply today’s debacle within those lyrics but when they came on, I was kinda like “uhh I don’t wanna hear this right now”.

I was #TeamDrizzy, but if I’m going to watch an aftermath beef concert (no pun intended) then I wanna see smoke the whole time you know lol.

I can’t really think of any replacement songs so he probably made the right decision. Anyways, so he ends the night with the obvious smash “not like us” which he’s shooting the video to this weekend.

Now with all that said, I’m still here thinking what did Kendrick get in this beef for? From the outside looking in I can tell Drake entertained this because he respect the emcee code and he’s never backed down from a challenge. So when Dot finally came with a direct hit after years of subs, of course Aubrey would answer the call.

But I can’t figure out why Dot wanted this smoke with Drake so bad. I feel like Dot was used as a proxy vehicle to make a permanent chink in Drake’s Canadian armor.

I’m not saying he doesn’t have a real personal gripe with him but I am saying other people in the industry used their gripe as an opportunity to launch onto his in an effort to get the Boy outta here.

Everybody is riding the Dot wave but I swear I don’t remember people glazing cuz this hard when Mr Morale dropped. When I heard that album I was praising it nonstop in fact I was even saying that after that release artist should think twice about what they drop next because Kendrick got so deep in his substance bag it wasn’t the time to release music with nothing worth while in it. 

Really it was a truly great album that hit plenty deeper than the surface topics, but like I said people were not riding the wave that hard. In fact they was flat out calling the album trash. By people I mean the casuals because obviously his core rocked with it, he just completed a worldwide tour. 

I can tell you exactly why the casuals thought it was trash because the album did not contain a commercial hit. After releasing a DAMN, people wanted more of that sound and Mr.Morale was not that instead you learned his auntie was a man now.

The casuals made this whole battle annoying , people were saying anything and was literally regurgitating points. Someone said to me “Drake isn’t black”, I’m like he’s literally black and Jewish.

The narratives that were allowed to get push during this beef was out of control and the casuals already decided Drake’s fate so anything half way decent from his enemies would be enough to rally behind.

Though the casuals were annoying, they also play a key position in Dot’s career moving n forward. Basically they’re like swing states in politics, he already won the casuals over but he can extra secure him if his next album is a pure commercial effort.

Which brings me back to the “why” of this beef.

If this beef was to just show he can rap better than Drake or that he’s more cultured than Drake then this beef was a waste of time.

Beefs of this caliber should be only for one thing and that’s for determining rank and elevating career status. This is like a ranked match in Tekken, you’re fighting to move up not to look cool.

Yes we can say Kendrick “won” this battle. But the way he wins the war is by dropping his most commercial album to date, if he’s not trying to become “Drake” then what is he doing? 

His next effort needs to be dumbed down, a whole album of “Not Like Us”, he sprinkled in a tiny bit of Pulitzer Kendrick on there but kept it digestible. He may have put a dent in Drake’s armor but Drake is still number one even after all this because no matter how many jokes are thrown his way, everything comes down to music.

How many Dot records you’re going to hear while out vs Drake. Not saying he don’t have club records just ask yourself how many you’re going to hear? Fasure you will hear his biggest one but the moment for Not Like Us will pass and what will Dot do then? It’s a million Drake records you can choose before you throw on Swimming Pools or something beloved.

I believe the most last longing effect from this battle is the destruction of the big 3. The Big 3 is done you even see it don’t mean anything in sports anymore either.

Right now it’s 1A and 1B. Drake is 1A. Dot is 1B.

Everybody else find their place in line. The only way Dot becomes 1A is dropping his most commercially digestible  album to date THIS YEAR! I might be willing to give him to next year but dog if you do all this and take three years off don’t come back talking that number one talk. 

He’s talented enough to make a timely album he don’t need a hundred years to conceptualize like people make it seem, he just chooses to be mysterious. 

He talking about sometimes you gotta “Pop Out” he better pop out with an album or it’s gon look like you only pop out to diss the boy. When we ain’t heard from him in years after DAMN, he pops back up on Keem record and he start talking about he smoking on people TOP 5. 

Alright Dot you got exactly what you wanted you caught the Boy slippin and snuck you in a dub. Now you better finish the job foreal or don’t come back another three years wasting everybody time with this again.

And as far as what Drake should do to stop Kendrick from getting number one. He should focus making his best music and not dissing him.

Make good songs then when it’s album time get back to dissing the living hell out of him. Get at him on album cuts. But the music wins always. If Dot want that number one spot he gon have to follow up with music for the masses or just settle for being the people’s champ. I guess that’s worth something but is it really? The people turn at the drop of dime, let him do something they don’t think behooves the “culture”, his ass gon be tooted on a silver spike too Lmao.

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February 28, 2024

Back with another article involving a lesson from my car accident the other day. Quick recap, got into a little fender bender on the block of my crib and boy was I angry. I was enraged because I thought how much this could’ve been avoided and how inconvenient the timing was (but when is it ever a good time for an accident? lol).

When I collided with the other vehicle, foolishly before I could even Thank God for letting me be alright, I went into cursing up a storm. If you know I’m not super curse man like that, I try to watch my language beloved. Its easier for me to curse when I rap because I feel like curse words enhance the emotion behind the lyrics lol. Even that sound crazy forgive me Christ I might be tripping lmao.

Anyways, I’m bashing the steering wheel, hit the mirror just going bezerk, but an older black woman was the driver of the other vehicle. She got out and consoled me. Got to preaching to me like she was in the pulpit lol, reminding how blessed we are no scars, no injuries, she had nothing negative to say. The worst thing she said was she was running late for work. So we exchanged info and kept it pushing but boy I was defeated but things turned around..


Thank God for insurance boy. This situation could’ve been a thousand times worst without insurance. The only thing wrong was the front bumper on the left side had some unwanted hangtime. You know that’s an easy rack, and that’s a rack I didn’t want to pay for. I’m trying to take trips, reinvest in my business, help people, every rack count beloved and I don’t have time to be spending it on repairing vehicles. But once again God looked out and that headache was resolved.


the bounce back is like progress from exercising, no pain no gain!

Ya boy got into a crispy rental boy. It’s a car I been wanting to drive for a minute too. Often fantasizing myself in it, going for cruises, being suited up, you know regular car fantasies. Now I never thought I would be in this vehicle through this circumstance but here we are. Using something I thought was so “horrible” being turned into an opportunity for me to shine yet again. God is Good.

This is probably the most important thing out this situation. A blessing being spoken over my life. If you don’t know about the power of words, you gon know about it today. Its something my mother always stressed to us, “life and death is in the power of the tongue.” See, Proverbs 18:21 Amplified Bible (AMP) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.


Words are so powerful it even had brother plotting against his own brother to receive a blessing.
Jacob and Esau are twin brothers in the biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis. Their story revolves around the struggle for their father Isaac's blessing. Esau, the older twin, was a skilled hunter and Isaac's favorite, while Jacob was a more cunning and domesticated individual.

The pivotal moment came when Isaac, nearing old age and with failing eyesight, decided to bless Esau, intending to pass on the family's leadership and prosperity to him. However, their mother, Rebekah, favored Jacob and orchestrated a plan for him to receive the blessing instead. She dressed Jacob in Esau's clothes and covered his hands and neck with animal skins to mimic Esau's hairy appearance.

When Jacob approached his father, Isaac was initially suspicious due to the voice difference between Jacob and Esau. However, Jacob convinced Isaac that he was Esau, and Isaac bestowed the blessing upon him. When Esau later discovered this deception, he was furious and sought to kill Jacob. As a result, Jacob fled to his uncle Laban's house.

So you see a blessing of the word means a lot! Today I received word from the woman that she would pray for me (genuinely) and ask that God blesses me with a prosperous and blessed life. I promised to return the same sentiment. When those words are received by God, I know they will touch me spiritually is enlighten my life, allowing me to continue to flourish in God’s magnificent blanket of favor.

Remember this when a trash situation arise. Everything works together for our good. Satan is going to get joy seeing you suffer and will not hesitate to take advantage of your misfortune. But Christ is so good he’s going to take everything that was meant for your downfall and turn it into your uprise. Stand tall loved one, peace!

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn




February 27, 2024

If you know me you know I love anime and an anime that has me in a headlock right now is Jujutsu Kaisen, by Gege Akutami. Jujutsu Kaisen, follows high school student Yuji Itadori as he joins a secret organization of Jujutsu Sorcerers in order to kill a powerful Curse named Ryomen Sukuna, of whom Yuji becomes the host.

Now within the story is one of the series’ main protagonist, Satoru Gojo, who is esteemed as the most powerful character in the universe. His mere presence alone literally affects the balance of the Earth. However no matter how godly or overpowered he seems he’s really a chill dude, who is extremely fond of his students and focused on eroding the corruption in Jujutsu Society.

Now, Gojo, has this technicque called “INFINITY”, which Infinity does not stop any attacks but rather slows them down. The closer the attack gets to him, the slower it becomes, and it never reaches him. This technique brings me to the whole point of this article. I have to always be on guard.

The other day I was in a car accident. Yes I’m fine, thank God but it was due to me having a slip in my emotional state. I was on a phone call and I got flustered. Which I cannot drive when I’m flustered, I’m not an angry person but when people make me perturbed or annoyed, my rage shoots up quick! However I didn’t think this phone call would be that.

Before I leave the house and the night before, I pray for the Lord to make a divine path just for me free from harm and danger. I may have did that before but I know I didn’t command my day that morning. I was just going about my day and let something enter my space when it shouldn’t have, I should’ve remained on!

Gojo learned that same lesson too! He realized the danger of not being on guard and made his technique to be in constant “on” state. That is what prayer is in my life, a constant “on” state. Which is why the bible says “pray without ceasing”. The moment you think stuff sweet, the bs creeps up on you. However, despite me lowering my guard for that morning, my previous prayers still covered me because I went about my day as if nothing happened. No injuries nothing but the car accident wasn’t even that deep, I didn’t even get off the block of my house lol smh.

So yes like my boy Gojo, I have to remind myself to keep my guard up and that is accomplished by constant prayer which is the fuel for life. S/O Christ. If you like anime check the anime out, kinda creepy but you’ll get over it lol! Its too cool!!

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February 5, 2024

I saw a meme today that posed the question, what would you say to your 18 year old self using only three words. I always love these type of hypotheticals.

I believe I made mostly great life choices thus far but like everyone you think about how you could’ve did somethings differently. I love how things panned out but if I really had the choice to affect something I would put me on my current path sooner.

So what’s the three words I would say to myself? I would say “Become a Lawyer”. If you know anything about my back story, you know I didn’t give a clown’s nose about becoming a lawyer. It was more logical for someone like my brother or my mother to become one. My brother because, my Grandma would always tell him, “Jay you like to argue so much you need to become a lawyer” (wait until she find we spend 90% of our time avoiding arguing lol).

I would say my mother because she worked years as a paralegal so if she ever decided to go that route it would make sense. But me? No it made zero sense. Nothing about my life said I would be a lawyer, I was a nerdy kid that loved the creative arts (and obviously still do). My grades wasn’t top of the top.

Honestly I was the average student. My art skills weren’t praised, my grades weren’t praised, the only thing that stood out for me was my personal style and my sense of humor. I was “average” on paper but never did I look at myself as “average” I knew I was extraordinary from the beginning lol.

I would choose those three words because my 18 year old self would’ve been smart enough to know that don’t mean stop the arts but it would’ve gave me a north star much sooner. I made the decision to go to law school in 2015, when I was in a corner financially and was lost career wise. 2015, I was one year removed from undergrad, with no job in my field in sight. I was thinking I cannot be a struggling artist I have to make something happen and then reinvest my earnings into my arts.

So I thought I know I’ll become a lawyer, it then took me two years just to get into law school! Graduating in 2020, it took me until 2023 to become licensed! So that’s 8 years spent to gain the illustrious title of “attorney”.

If I was able to tell my 18 year old self “become a lawyer” my 18 year old self would’ve streamlined his life to make himself get into school any means necessary. Those three words would change so much, here’s how I imagined it would’ve played out. I still would’ve attended UAPB, but with those three words from Future me in my head, my major would’ve reflected law instead of marketing. I would’ve focused on gaining internships and working in a firm during school, which would’ve saved me from the agony of being a broke college student lol.

Knowing my infatuation with New York, I would’ve applied to every New York school possible. Also, I would’ve attended school immediately after undergrad, no breaks. I would’ve probably treated law school the same way I did in this timeline but having more knowledge about school in the alternate timeline, I would’ve had a bar prep program from the beginning lol. ( I never used one to get licensed but definitely would’ve did it in this scenario).

After passing the bar, would’ve been in New York licensed earlier, solving financial woes way quicker and enjoying success at an earlier age. With all that said I’m glad it did not happen that way. God made sure things happened exactly as they should. The endless L’s I took gave me much character growth and it makes me a better person everyday. These questions are fun because it make you think of endless possibilities but that is also the problem. Don’t get caught up in the “what ifs” and “what could’ve beens”, we’re in the now and God blessed us with the gift to be present. Make today count and avoid future regret at all costs, I know I will! #StayFocused

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