Jujutsu Kaisen

Can't Give in To Every Craving!

Can't Give in to Every Craving!

July 25, 2024

Buckle in, because today’s lesson is a wild one. At 5 AM this morning, I found myself in a predicament that hasn't happened since college, with one memorable incident back in high school.

There I was, on the toilet, my stomach in knots, feeling like Sukuna and Maki were battling it out inside me. To make matters worse, the toilet was already on the fritz. Maintenance hadn't arrived yet, so I had to apologize in advance for the horror they'd soon witness.

As I showered, I knew I had to share this lesson: you can't give in to every craving. Last night, I was up late, working on two new songs for my upcoming album, My Deepest Discovery. I might release one next week. I was also watching JaeRiddle break down the new JJK leaks.

Of course, all that made me hungry for a snack. It was past midnight, I had already worked out, and eaten chicken and broccoli. But those Hawaiian Sweet Roll Bagels from Kroger's were calling my name. It wasn't the bagel that got me—it was the cream cheese.

Every time I have one of these violent bowel attacks, it's always from eating cheese late at night. I always end up thinking, “Was that pizza really worth it?” And it never is.

So, I got a brutal reminder that I can't give in to my cravings so easily. This lesson applies to everything. When something is calling your name, and you know better, resist. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble, wondering why you played yourself.

Don’t be like me. Learn some self-control, especially late at night, or you might wake up on life's toilet with a stomach in turmoil.

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February 27, 2024

If you know me you know I love anime and an anime that has me in a headlock right now is Jujutsu Kaisen, by Gege Akutami. Jujutsu Kaisen, follows high school student Yuji Itadori as he joins a secret organization of Jujutsu Sorcerers in order to kill a powerful Curse named Ryomen Sukuna, of whom Yuji becomes the host.

Now within the story is one of the series’ main protagonist, Satoru Gojo, who is esteemed as the most powerful character in the universe. His mere presence alone literally affects the balance of the Earth. However no matter how godly or overpowered he seems he’s really a chill dude, who is extremely fond of his students and focused on eroding the corruption in Jujutsu Society.

Now, Gojo, has this technicque called “INFINITY”, which Infinity does not stop any attacks but rather slows them down. The closer the attack gets to him, the slower it becomes, and it never reaches him. This technique brings me to the whole point of this article. I have to always be on guard.

The other day I was in a car accident. Yes I’m fine, thank God but it was due to me having a slip in my emotional state. I was on a phone call and I got flustered. Which I cannot drive when I’m flustered, I’m not an angry person but when people make me perturbed or annoyed, my rage shoots up quick! However I didn’t think this phone call would be that.

Before I leave the house and the night before, I pray for the Lord to make a divine path just for me free from harm and danger. I may have did that before but I know I didn’t command my day that morning. I was just going about my day and let something enter my space when it shouldn’t have, I should’ve remained on!

Gojo learned that same lesson too! He realized the danger of not being on guard and made his technique to be in constant “on” state. That is what prayer is in my life, a constant “on” state. Which is why the bible says “pray without ceasing”. The moment you think stuff sweet, the bs creeps up on you. However, despite me lowering my guard for that morning, my previous prayers still covered me because I went about my day as if nothing happened. No injuries nothing but the car accident wasn’t even that deep, I didn’t even get off the block of my house lol smh.

So yes like my boy Gojo, I have to remind myself to keep my guard up and that is accomplished by constant prayer which is the fuel for life. S/O Christ. If you like anime check the anime out, kinda creepy but you’ll get over it lol! Its too cool!!

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn

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