Can't Give in To Every Craving!

Can't Give in To Every Craving!

Can't Give in to Every Craving!

July 25, 2024

Buckle in, because today’s lesson is a wild one. At 5 AM this morning, I found myself in a predicament that hasn't happened since college, with one memorable incident back in high school.

There I was, on the toilet, my stomach in knots, feeling like Sukuna and Maki were battling it out inside me. To make matters worse, the toilet was already on the fritz. Maintenance hadn't arrived yet, so I had to apologize in advance for the horror they'd soon witness.

As I showered, I knew I had to share this lesson: you can't give in to every craving. Last night, I was up late, working on two new songs for my upcoming album, My Deepest Discovery. I might release one next week. I was also watching JaeRiddle break down the new JJK leaks.

Of course, all that made me hungry for a snack. It was past midnight, I had already worked out, and eaten chicken and broccoli. But those Hawaiian Sweet Roll Bagels from Kroger's were calling my name. It wasn't the bagel that got me—it was the cream cheese.

Every time I have one of these violent bowel attacks, it's always from eating cheese late at night. I always end up thinking, “Was that pizza really worth it?” And it never is.

So, I got a brutal reminder that I can't give in to my cravings so easily. This lesson applies to everything. When something is calling your name, and you know better, resist. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble, wondering why you played yourself.

Don’t be like me. Learn some self-control, especially late at night, or you might wake up on life's toilet with a stomach in turmoil.


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