charlamagne tha god

The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

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Not too long ago, I was listening to T.I.’s Expeditiously,(great podcast check it out) and famed radio-hpst & entrepreneur, Charlamagne Tha God, was the special guest for the week.

In that episode they discussed religion, (yes a very sticky topic for everyone) and the gentlemen were confused on how the whole power dynamic between God and Jesus work. 

They(specifically T.I.) were confused about how no one could get to God without going thru the son, Jesus. They couldn’t understand how the Son could have power over the father.

As a devoted Christian, I thought quite a bit how I could explain a somewhat confusing concept to a non-believer or simply anyone who would want to know how that work.

One morning at work, it suddenly came to me. What we know as The Holy Trinity, (God, Jesus, & the Holy Spirit) works in tandem and you can’t have one without the other.


A simple way to grasp this is to think about it as a bike, God & Jesus are the wheels and the Holy Spirit is the handle bars. Without all three the bike would not be able to work effectively and that’s how the Holy Trinity works. 

Before the Holy Spirit was introduced in the New Testament it took a lot to communicate with God. Sacrifices and a bunch of stuff most people couldn’t keep up with today had to be done in order to talk to the Big Man.

You can think of God pre New Testament as a unicycle. It was God solely and that was effective but difficult to navigate. The difficulty of riding a unicycle can be adjacent to the difficultly of maintaining an effective relationship with God in those days.

Thus the New Testament(the bike) makes life much easier to deal with.

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 They’re a million problems in the urban community but for the sake of this article, we’re going to emphasize the lack of “encouragement “.


 It is true that the start to transformation begins with self but in many cases a push from someone in a respected position of authority can lead a once misguided fool to a path of enlightenment.


STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON, Available for rent/purchase on iTunes ~

STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON, Available for rent/purchase on iTunes ~

 Take for example Jason Mitchell. Jason Mitchell is an actor whose breakout role was playing Eazy-E (or Eric Wright its all the same[that was an Eazy lyric] ) in the film STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON.



 During his promotional run for SHOTIME’sTHE CHI, Jason spoke on how he made his way onto the acting stage.


 His transformation started with self when he wanted a change of scenery because his childhood environment was ridden in violence and poverty.


 Finding new friends was his goal and through acting this goal would be met. An instructor informed him there was something special about him and if he kept with it he could be something special.


 He kept with his craft and now he’s on one of the biggest cable television networks and is acting in cult classic films.


Written by Lena Waithe and starring Jason Mitchell, Sundays at 10 on SHOTIME

Written by Lena Waithe and starring Jason Mitchell, Sundays at 10 on SHOTIME

 Lena Waithe can serve as another example. She ended up writing one of the most critically acclaimed episodes in television history and was given encouragement by her 5th grade teacher to continue writing after being told how enjoyable her writing was.

Check out “Master of None” on NetflixSeason 2 Episode 8 “Thanksgiving”  - Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series-

Check out “Master of None” on Netflix

Season 2 Episode 8 “Thanksgiving”  - Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series-


 Through her burning passion for television and writing, Lena has crafted a career anyone in Hollywood would be astounded to have.


 Imagine if these two artists were never given that extra push to be great. How different would their lives have been?


 Without proper support our hobbies would remain hobbies and we’d be forced to a lifestyle of mediocrity and disappointment.


 Everyone starts somewhere, first start with yourself, and you’ll be able to verify you’re on the right path when the right help start coming at the right time.







 Today, I was listening to my favorite podcast The Brilliant Idiots, hosted by Andrew Schulz & Charlamagne Tha God. During the episode they brought Jay Williams ( former NBA player & college basketball star) to discuss the 2017 NBA FINALS. They spoke on the downward spiral and pitiful decline of Tiger Woods' career ( Damn Tiger) but; in the midst of that conversation they brought up the fact of how Tiger's drive was similar to KOBE BRYANT.


 Jay said once before a game he asked Kobe "How do you do it " and he responded simply with "I out work you". "When I seen you come into the gym, 45 minutes into my workout I had to keep working out to show you I was going to keep going even after you left". Jay concluded that he went to drop 30 on them that night in the game. 


 As I mentioned before true competition is with yourself but, if you must recognize others as competitors the one sure fire way to out last them is to simply go further than they would. They run 3 miles you run 6, they practice left hand layups you practice left,right,and reverse layups, so on and so forth. Outworking your opponent isn't just for some vain glorification of self, that intense amount of work shows your passion and dedication to the world and yourself. If your aim is to be placed among the greatest (no matter what field) then its time to get to work because its a guarantee others are pushing and breaking their limits even as you read this. Get to work! 


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