Video games



Ryu in Power Rangers?!! Who would’ve knew  

Ryu in Power Rangers?!! Who would’ve knew  

Ryu as he appears in super smash bros

Ryu as he appears in super smash bros

 After watching the reveal trailer for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I saw RYU and I was like “man my guy is in everything”.He was just revealed as a guest character in the POWER RANGERS mobile game, POWER RANGERS: LEGACY WARS. That discovery led me to think “man when you have a truly iconic character there is no limit in what you can do with them.”

Kishimoto drawing his iconic characters NARUTO and SASUKE

Kishimoto drawing his iconic characters NARUTO and SASUKE

 Many artists/creators start out with the mindset of “this is my character and here’s how this character is going to play out in this story”. What the creator don’t realize is that the character may transcend that limited script and be featured in almost everything because of how beloved the character is.

 Iconic characters can end up in cross-genre movies, merchandising, and even with their own theme park (I see you Mickey).


 So if there are any creators out there just hoping for their game to be played, manga to be read, or film to be seen just know if you play it right your character can transcend culture itself to become a global icon you never imagined it could be.




Often when people are playing this game we call LIFE, many are distracted by what goes on around them. Some seek to undermine the other player, some seek to trade places , and some are just flat out nosey only wanting to see what the other player has going on. It reminds me of the multiplayer video games that featured a split screen.



During these split screen sessions both players have full view of the ENTIRE screen. However the point is not to look at the ENTIRE screen, there is a specific portion dedicated strictly for you to play your game and that's how we should look at life. Yes there are a thousand things going on around us but Life specifically give us a proper portion to carve out our own lane to play the game to the best of our ability.

So the next time you catch yourself drifting off into other people lives remember that what they have going on has little to nothing to do with you. If you focus on the screen time that's given to you then you heighten your chances of winning the game you wanna play by tenfold.

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 Ever wondered why Force fields in video games exist? I bet you thought they were nothing more than annoying nuances the developers created. However most of these Force fields serves a purpose. In most cases a Force field may appear because the player has not advanced far enough in the story, the space is not meant to be explored by the player and/or a player must posses a certain item for access. These Force fields are much like the Force fields/barriers we experience in real life!



 We may have a big end goal for our life in mind. Most of us if we had the option would skip straight to the point where our goal is accomplished and we can have a free-for-all unfortunately life doesn't work like that. Our story serves a purpose and we must patiently and diligently play out each chapter in order gain what we want in the long run.



 There are times in life where we would like to do something that necessarily isn't meant for us. A certain person may have a love for basketball but their destiny isn't in playing professional basketball. Much like the graphics that lies beyond the Force field, just because we can see what's on the other side doesn't mean it meant for us to go there. Life is simply giving a spectrum view of things and we should be grateful of what we get to see and continue on our own adventure.



 Have you ever tried applying for a position that require certain credentials (I.e. College Degree ) and was denied even though you possessed the experience. In video games you may progressed very far in the game you may have even "beaten" it but if you lack a certain item you would miss out on playing extra content within the game. We can posses a lot of things in life but for some our goals specifics may be required and without those specifics we sabotage ourself from having the one thing we truly want.



 So don't be weary of road blocks you may come to find out that they're for a good reason. Keep playing your game and life will always bring you to the areas you need to explore.