You've heard the saying life is chess not checkers a million times(most people who used that term never even seen a chess board in real life). It's old but it stands true. I often play with my chess app on the highest difficulty at times to try and improve my skill. Today I decided to play on the easiest setting and work my way up in difficulty. I wanted to see how many games I could win by mindlessly moving pieces until I was forced to think and use strategy. I won every game until I put the game's difficulty at the midway point and I started to get my ass kick.


This shows that when people bullshit their way through life it eventually catches up to them. You do the bare minimum at your job because no one calls you out for it or you wing every exam at school never being dissatisfied as long as you receive a passing grade. As life progresses it will inevitably hand your ass to you much like the artificial intelligence of a computer chess game did to me.


Mindlessly navigating life with no direction only does a disservice to yourself, no one else! Eventually as you progress through life you will be exposed either you can learn to take the game seriously or continue a vicious losing streak. No one can make it off raw talent alone it take much effort, repeated losses, and an array of strategies to ensure victory on higher levels. Each move you make in life is similar to a chess piece on the board, think twice about thinking twice and go forth with the best move possible, taking all strategy and life lessons with you.



Do Children Have Life Figured Out?

Of course they don’t, they’re idiots who needs a lot of guidance and attention. However they do hold valuable keys to two of the most important things in life; money and creativity


The privilege of a child is they rarely have to pay for anything. Which unconsciously program them to learn something business people already know…use other people money for more money. I noticed my cousin do something that I did as a child and that’s put away all the money I would get to let it grow over time. Children also benefit from another tactic adults are just starting to capitalize on more often….crowd-sourcing. Usually a child has their mind set on something specific they want since; they are too young to work they go to the next best method of asking anyone who’s around for money. Much like kickstarter children ask and ask until the goal amount for their purchase is reached.


Children are gifted with vivid imaginations and aren’t afraid for being judged for what they like. They indulge into whatever they like wholeheartedly. Think back to when you were a child.. how detailed would your imaginary game of house would be or how well thought out your wrestling matches with your action figures was? Whatever it was you was always in tune with the present moment; which made you able to focus which in turn boosted your creativity.


Most adults get caught up in the simulation of life and learned behavior of their parents resulting in an extreme lack when it comes to money and creativity. Maybe approaching things from the view of a child could be the shift in your life you didn’t know you needed.

“I believe in myself like a five-year-old believes in himself. They say look at me, look at me! Then they do a flip in the backyard. It won’t even be that amazing, but everyone will be clapping for them.”

-Kanye West